Marble end milling machines

2 companies | 4 products
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marble end milling machine
marble end milling machine
LMB 74

The production of heading machine includes a “pendulum” machines with a single disk mod. “LMB 74” which is indispensable to face the stripes cut from the block cutter.

See the other products
Officine Arena
marble end milling machine
marble end milling machine
IM series

The multiple heading machine mod. IM can work marble or granite and the filagna can be inserted manually or on a motorized belt.

See the other products
Officine Arena
marble end milling machine
marble end milling machine
IMS series

The mod. “IMS”, in which all the handling sequence occurs automatically, can assemble from 2 to 5 spindles to cut stripes length 1800 mm, or from 5 to 11 spindles to cut stripes length until 3500 mm.

See the other products
Officine Arena
stone end milling machine
stone end milling machine

End milling machine for cutting slabs in marble, granite, and porcelain stoneware, with idle rollers to support the material, one side stop and one longitudinal stop, ...

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