Mechanical clutches and brakes

3 companies | 3 products
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multiple-disc clutch and brake
multiple-disc clutch and brake

Torque: 80 Nm - 19,000 Nm
Rotational speed: 700 rpm - 3,200 rpm

... combined brake-clutches are the ideal solution for sectors with a high frequency of frictions/hour. The technical features of these units provide a moment of minimum inertia, essential in all those sectors where the point ...

friction clutch and brake
friction clutch and brake

Torque: 60 - 250
Power: 5,220 W

... the loaded brake spring to rotate the ball ramp mechanism in the opposite direction, which forces the brake plate against the outer portion of the friction disk, releasing the clutch ...

disc clutch and brake
disc clutch and brake

... Single Disc Brakes and Clutches for Industrial Applications Thanks to their technical advantages, their respectively simple setup and their opportune outside dimensions, electromagnetically operated single-disk clutches ...

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