Methylene blue leak testers

5 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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vacuum leak tester
vacuum leak tester
Dansensor® Lippke® VC1400

... VC1400 Vacuum leak detection system for flexible, rigid and semi-rigid packages - Test seal strength and ‘whole package’ integrity - Automate tests and store parameters for definable, reproducible results - Performs ...

digital leak tester
digital leak tester

... box for easy servicing but also removable for hostile or cluttered environments. Different tests can be performed: Leak test Leak your rigid packaging (e.g. perfume bottles) or by Bubble Test for ...

methylene blue leak tester
methylene blue leak tester

Its allows to test, by depression, and thanks in particular to the migration of a tracer product called blue methylene, the sealing of blister-type samples or sleeves. It is generally used in the pharmaceutical ...

vacuum leak tester
vacuum leak tester

... the hermetic endurance of packages and pack. ​ The sample are placed in the chamber, immerse in a coloring solution (methylene blue) and the cover is then brought in position. The pump begins to produce ...

vacuum leak tester
vacuum leak tester
CDV Pharma

A leak detection instrument designed for testing pharmaceuticals with the Methylene Blue Dye Test Method, a test mainly used for testing blister packaging. The CDV Pharma is an advanced ...

vacuum leak tester
vacuum leak tester

... Food industry Standard packaging, MAP packaging and vacuum packaging. FEATURES - Professional leak tester - Bubble test - Methylene blue dye test - Altitude ...

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