Milk powder spectrometers

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3 companies | 3 products
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atomic absorption spectrometer
atomic absorption spectrometer

Wavelength: 190 nm - 900 nm
Length: 93 cm
Width: 28 cm

Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrophotometer AAS SAFAS AA181: HIGH QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE, EXCEPTIONAL COST EFFECTIVENESS with double background correction The AAS ( Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ) SAFAS AA181 features very ...

FT-IR spectrometer
FT-IR spectrometer

The DairyGuard™ Milk Powder Analyzer applies advanced algorithms to screen for known and unknown economic adulterants in milk powder, as well as performing the same fast ...

NIR spectrometer
NIR spectrometer
PAS series

Wavelength: 850 nm - 2,100 nm

Near infrared (NIR) process spectrometer for in-line, real-time monitoring of continuous processes and batch production in food manufacturing, agricultural goods processing, and consumer goods production. The PAS spectrometer ...

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