- Metrology - Laboratory >
- Analytical Instrumentation >
- Milk powder spectrometer
Milk powder spectrometers
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Wavelength: 190 nm - 900 nm
Length: 93 cm
Width: 28 cm
Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrophotometer AAS SAFAS AA181: HIGH QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE, EXCEPTIONAL COST EFFECTIVENESS with double background correction The AAS ( Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ) SAFAS AA181 features very ...
The DairyGuard™ Milk Powder Analyzer applies advanced algorithms to screen for known and unknown economic adulterants in milk powder, as well as performing the same fast ...
Wavelength: 850 nm - 2,100 nm
Near infrared (NIR) process spectrometer for in-line, real-time monitoring of continuous processes and batch production in food manufacturing, agricultural goods processing, and consumer goods production. The PAS spectrometer ...
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