Miniature slides

7 companies | 7 products
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pneumatic linear slides
pneumatic linear slides
ZE-P series

Load: 1 kg - 11.2 kg
Stroke: 10, 20, 30 mm

• 6, 10 or 16 mm bore. • Various fastening options. • Double-acting drive. • Internal elastic bumpers. • Optional magnetic sensors. Manufacturer: Gimatic

telescopic slides
telescopic slides

Load: 39 kg
Stroke: 151 mm

Full extension. Positive stop. Thin profile for various applications. LG = slide length. K = travel length. CN = load rating (kg/pair).

crossed roller linear slides
crossed roller linear slides
SW038 series

Load: 97 kg - 358 kg
Stroke: 25 mm - 200 mm
Width: 38 mm

... ) contact surface than ball bearings, a crossed roller slide has higher load carrying capability than a ball slide of comparable size. The SW Series is our smallest crossed roller slide. ...

ball bearing linear slides
ball bearing linear slides
SIP series

Load: 0 kg - 2 kg
Stroke: 10 mm - 75 mm

... Profile Miniature Rail Thruster Pneumatic Slides feature stainless steel rail bearings and a small, low profile package. Standard internal shock pads absorb impact forces and optional travel adjustment ...

full-extension linear slides
full-extension linear slides
NDN series

Load: 2 kg
Length: 10 mm - 80 mm
Width: 15, 10, 7 mm

The NDN was the first Micro-Slide with guide profiles ground in the main parts. Thanks to its 4 point contact balls it has excellent running precision and low moving forces The NDN is used to guide very precise movements ...

compact linear slides
compact linear slides

MinVee linear slides systems are composed of a compact carriage assembly and a double edged track. Non-actuated MinVee linear slides in size 0 are available with your choice of carriage ...

linear slides without extension
linear slides without extension

Load: 1.4 g - 15.2 g
Length: 13 mm - 46 mm

The NB MINIATURE SLIDE SYBS type is a limited stroke table with the most compact envelope dimensions, featuring two ball raceway grooves. The SYBS type utilizes balls as the rolling elements. ...

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