Mining and quarrying conveyors

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3 companies | 3 products
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belt conveyor
belt conveyor

Speed: 1.23 m/s - 2.28 m/s
Bulk throughput: 60 t/h - 1,100 t/h

... The angle of conveyor belt is less than 18 degrees in general situation. The belt bandwidth ranges from 0.65 m to 1.4 m, and the conveying capacity is 60-1000t/h. Belt conveyors need ...

belt conveyor
belt conveyor
LTS series

Bulk throughput: 1,100 t/h

... transferring of hard rock and ore for the mining and quarrying industries. The huge hopper capacity and heavy duty feeder design enables the LTS Series to easily cope with the extreme demands of any quarrying ...

belt conveyor
belt conveyor

Overland Belt Conveyor Belt conveyor is a continuous conveying equipment which uses conveyor belt as traction and load-bearing component and carries ...

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