Mixers with extruder

4 companies | 4 products
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kneader with extruder
kneader with extruder

Capacity: 20 l - 4,000 l

What does a ROSS/AMK Kneader-Extruder do? ROSS/AMK Kneader Extruders combine the efficiency of a double arm - sigma blade mixer with the convenience of an extrusion ...

conical screw blender
conical screw blender

... due to centralization of blending • Handles up to 12 components per blender • Ensures lack of contamination issues on material feed pipes to multiple blenders • Can use a second ...

dynamic kneader
dynamic kneader

Engine power: 0.37 kW - 800 kW

... /reacting processor. the KRC Kneader has a number of recent successful accomplishments as continuous polymerization / reacting processor for engineering plastics and others. Compared to twin screw extruder, ...

sigma blade kneader
sigma blade kneader

Engine power: 22 kW - 90 kW
Capacity: 1,000 l

Sigma Mixer with Extrusion Discharge Specifications: This sigma mixer with extrusion discharge was exported to the United Kingdom for the mixing of ...

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