Mixer heat exchangers

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mixer heat exchanger
mixer heat exchanger

... shell and tube heat exchangers. All PRIMIX heat exchangers are designed and produced to client specifications. The heat exchangers are ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Power: 0.1 kW - 10,000 kW
Operating pressure: 0 bar - 1,000 bar
Temperature: -100 °C - 400 °C

The design of the mixer / heat exchanger equates to a combination of a static mixer and a multitube heat exchanger in which a highly ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Power: 0 kW - 1,000 kW
Operating pressure: 0 bar - 100 bar
Temperature: -100 °C - 400 °C

... between the primary and secondary media, with practically total dranage on the product side. Fluitec sterile shell and tube heat exchangers are therefore ideally suited to CIP/SIP plants. A special ...

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