Mixer solenoid valves

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2 companies | 3 products
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direct-operated solenoid valve
direct-operated solenoid valve
LHD series

DN: 7 mm
Voltage: 3 V - 24 V
Temperature: -40 °C - 49 °C

This small (7 mm), 2/2, direct-acting valve is used to control the flow of gases and mild liquids. The valve’s low power, low leakage, and extensive cycle life offer high value at an economical price ...

magnetic latching solenoid valve
magnetic latching solenoid valve
LHL series

DN: 7 mm
Voltage: 3 V - 24 V
Temperature: -40 °C - 49 °C

... mm), low power, 3/2, latching solenoid valve is ideal for directional control of gases or piloting samples in battery-operated, heat sensitive pneumatic applications. Thanks to its magnetically latching ...

direct-operated solenoid valve
direct-operated solenoid valve

DN: 5 mm - 10 mm
Voltage: 4.8 V - 280 V
Temperature: -25 °C - 75 °C

Industries: Cement, Chemical industry, Fertilizer, Metal and Mines, Nuclear power, Oil and Gas, Paper and Pulp, Thermal Power Certificates: ATEX | CCOE/PESO | CUTR-EAC | IEC Ex | INMETRO | UKRAINE | CE | UL

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