Molecular weight nanoparticle size analyzers

4 companies | 5 products
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dynamic light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer
dynamic light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer

The NANOTRAC FLEX In-Situ Particle Size Analyzer delivers fast and accurate analysis capability in a size range from 0.3 nanometers to 10 microns. Powered by Microtrac MRB’s enhanced ...

optical nanoparticle size analyzer
optical nanoparticle size analyzer
Zetasizer Pro

... due to the Non-Invasive Back Scatter (NIBS) optical design. Measurement of particle size, molecular size, electrophoretic mobility, zeta potential and molecular weight ...

static light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer
static light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer
Zetasizer Lab

... Cell) • Zeta potential of nanoparticles and colloids using M3-PALS analysis and constant current zeta mode • Molecular weight using Static Light Scattering at 90° • Supports use of ...

dynamic light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer
dynamic light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer
BeNano 180 Zeta Pro

The BeNano 180 Zeta pro is the latest generation of nanoparticle size and zeta potential analyzer designed by Bettersize Instruments. The system is integrated with dynamic light scattering ...

molecular weight nanoparticle size analyzer
molecular weight nanoparticle size analyzer

... zeta potential and molecular weight measuring instrument for nano-particles. It has a wide range of particle sizes and concentrations, which has a particle size ...

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