Multi-parameter photometers

6 companies | 8 products
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water analysis photometer
water analysis photometer
PCE-CP Series

The multi-parameter photometer is a mobile measuring device for liquid analysis. This means that the most varied of measurements can be carried out with the multi-parameter ...

Vis-NIR photometer
Vis-NIR photometer
GUIDED WAVE™ ClearView® db

... Dual-Beam Photometer is the first commercially available true dual-beam filter photometer. A primary attraction of any photometric analyzer is its low cost; however, the compromise is usually performance. ...

water analysis photometer
water analysis photometer

... multiparameter 7500 is our most popular photometer due its versatility and simplicity of use. Reliable and intuitive, it has been designed to simplify the process of testing and managing water quality data. The Photometer ...

See the other products
multi-parameter photometer
multi-parameter photometer

Intelligent, compact, strong and evolutive photometer being able to measure more than 50 parameters The ODEON-PHOTOPOD is well adapted and designed for people who are not chemists thanks to the simple ...

water analysis photometer
water analysis photometer
Hydrotest HT1000

The HydroTest HT1000 Photometer combines a modern, ergonomic design, with reliable, laboratory-quality optics, incorporated into a waterproof carry case with accessories and reagents, for a complete environmental water ...

water analysis photometer
water analysis photometer

... defined in IP 68, 1 hour at 0.1 meter, buoyant Description Designed to meet the latest technical requirements, the AL200 photometer can be used in practically every area of water analysis. The high-precision optics ...

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