Multi-purpose detergent-degreasers

3 companies | 4 products
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biodegradable detergent-degreaser
biodegradable detergent-degreaser

SUPER CLEANER is a rapid and effective detergent that eliminates: oil, grease, dirt, mud etc ... Suitable for cleaning: industrial machines, worktops, motors, chromed frames, chains, chromed parts, external parts of ...

machine detergent-degreaser
machine detergent-degreaser

... removed. ELISOL must be used with a sprayer, a sponge or cloth, or by immersion. Applications: ELISOL is an all-purpose detergent with high degreasing power. It dissolves oils, fats and oily substances. ...

See the other products
cleaning detergent-degreaser
cleaning detergent-degreaser

MADE IN ITALY Given its particular degreasing properties, ELISOL ISO, is suitable for cleaning car interiors, plastics, etc. However, it is also suitable for cleaning any washable surface. The special structure of low foaming active ...

See the other products
multi-purpose detergent-degreaser
multi-purpose detergent-degreaser

Universal concentrated degreasing detergent. It acts on all types of dirt, even the most difficult ones. Quick, effective. It is not flammable, it is not abrasive, it does not contain ammonia or phosphates. ...

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