- Building - Construction >
- Industrial Building Equipment >
- Needle punch mat
Needle punch mats
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Width: 10 mm - 1,200 mm
Thickness: 6, 25, 13 mm
BST-SIM Silica Needled Mat made by 96% silica fiberglass chopped strand through carding and needling process. - - - - - Excellent insulation for sandwiching between front and rear (hot and cold side) layers of blankets ...
Length: 600, 910, 1,210 mm
Width: 910, 1,520, 1,830 mm
Thickness: 8 mm
Rugged support made of recycled rubber. Surface area created from recycled fibre from plastic bottles. Molded rubber back that transfers high strength and durability. Made with reinforced rubber nipples that prevent the carpet from ...
insultating matresses / - thermal insulation mat Infinite possibilities to produce insulating mattresses from 500 to 1390°c depending on specific client constraints (Thermal, mechanical, chemical...)
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