Negative brakes

2 companies | 4 products
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disc brake
disc brake

Hydraulic disc brake as operating, parking and emergency brake VULKAN hydraulic brakes are available as positive brakes (hydraulically actuated, spring ventilated) negative ...

friction brake
friction brake

Torque: 200,000 Nm - 27,920,000 Nm

Pneumatic disc brake as operating, parking and emergency brakes VULKAN pneumatic disc brakes are designed for light and medium heavy fields of application, in particular tension brakes ...

friction brake
friction brake

Torque: 12 Nm - 220 Nm
Rotational speed: 6,000, 5,000, 4,000, 3,000 rpm

The FNAM pneumatic brake is a safety brake as it brakes when no air pressure is applied thanks to the springs that brake the movement. It can brake ...

disc brake
disc brake

Torque: 2.2 Nm - 120 Nm
Power: 20 W - 50 W

... electromagnetic brake is a negative brake, that is, it brakes by spring reaction, and when current is applied to the coil, the brake stops braking. This ...

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