Nickel electrolytic polishing

3 companies | 3 products
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nickel electrolytic polishing
nickel electrolytic polishing

... quality, which is suitable for items for clean-room assembly. As a rule, stainless-steel products with a content as of 8% nickel and 15% chromium can be treated accordingly.(e.g. material no. 1.4301-X5 CrNi 1810 or ...

nickel electrolytic polishing
nickel electrolytic polishing

Your concerns drive our daily work. If you are looking for solutions to optimise your costs, increase the reliability and quality of your products, or develop your capacity, HACER is at your service and available to work together and ...

steel electrolytic polishing
steel electrolytic polishing

Electropolishing unit Rectified current 0 to 60V - 1.5A Etching from 0 to 6V - 0.15A

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