O-type ferrite cores

5 companies | 5 products
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O-type ferrite core
O-type ferrite core

We are specialized in the winding of ferrite components of many different forms. Our extensive winder fleet and skilled winders manufacture components which are custom-made to fulfil Your specific needs. We design ...

soft ferrite core
soft ferrite core

O-type ferrite core
O-type ferrite core
O Series

O core ,high power low loss ,the material is PC40 ,PC44 ,PC95 . Le=0.289 Ae=1280mm2 Used in :transformer core, welding machine ,induction heating ,ozoinzer ,switch power .

O-type ferrite core
O-type ferrite core

Ferrite beads are used to prevent rf leakage from electronic equipment due to parasitic oszillations arising from spurious feedback and can also be used for suppression of interference. Chokes produced from these ...

O-type ferrite core
O-type ferrite core

Nickel zinc ferrite parts are used extensively in the suppression of electromagnetic interference commonly known as EMI. Ferrite materials exhibit magnetic properties which are dependent on the frequency ...

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