Octorotor UAVs

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6 companies | 12 products
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octorotor UAV
octorotor UAV

Endurance: 18, 7, 6 min
Payload: 50, 40 kg

The AGRAS T40 is equipped with the revolutionary Coaxial Twin Rotor design, enabling it to carry a spray load of 40 kg and a spread load of 50 kg (70 L) . The aircraft is built in with a Dual Atomized Spraying System, DJI Terra, Active ...

octocopter UAV
octocopter UAV

Endurance: 30, 36, 44, 50, 20 min
Payload: 15 kg

This UAV is a powerful and versatile tool for your future benefits. The GX8 is equipped with a gryphon chassis. This chassis is one of the thoughest and best engineered of the market for anything related to heavy luggage ...

octorotor UAV
octorotor UAV

Endurance: 45 min

Achieving the necessary amount of points with conventional methods of geodesy and object surveying is only possible with enormous efforts of personell expenses and cost. Furthermore there are also risks to personnel and material. Our ...

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octocopter UAV
octocopter UAV

Endurance: 12 h
Payload: 5 kg - 20 kg

The KWT-TMOP-300 tethered drone system has world advanced level technology. The system can lift unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a load of 5-20 kg to a height of 300 meters for uninterrupted work. With ...

octorotor UAV
octorotor UAV

Endurance: 37 min
Payload: 0 kg - 2 kg

... compact dimensions, XENA is built as a vigorous UAV allowing numerous possibilities as effective payload of up to 2.5 Kg (5.5 lbs) can be lifted. As a coaxial octorotor (8 motors), it is a strong ...

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octorotor UAV
octorotor UAV
XENA Surveyor

Endurance: 25 min

LiDAR is among the most reliable and efficient technology currently used by surveyor experts worldwide. Thanks to its multi-echo capability, it allows to scan even through vegetation. Heavy and large sensors in their first versions, ...

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