Olive crushers

3 companies | 6 products
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olive crusher
olive crusher
HP series

The Pieralisi crusher, rotating grid (2800 rpm) and counter-rotating grid, is the mother of all crushers, and it continues to be the only crusher designed to guarantee the best yield ...

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Pieralisi - Olive Oil Division
olive crusher
olive crusher

... aromatic properties of the oil, raising the quality of the finished product. The crusher is more efficient thanks to: Crusher cooling circuit Hopper assembly on crusher bench ...

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Pieralisi - Olive Oil Division
olive crusher
olive crusher
900 kg/h | KS-7.5I

It is used to crush olives in order to break oil cells in the olives. Crushed olives distribute malaxer sections. It is designed to keep organoleptic features of olive ...

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olive crusher
olive crusher
1 500 kg/h | KS-15

It is used to crush olives in order to break oil cells in the olives. Crushed olives distribute malaxer sections. It is designed to keep organoleptic features of olive ...

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olive crusher
olive crusher
3 000 kg/h | KS-22

It is used to crush olives in order to break oil cells in the olives. Crushed olives distribute malaxer sections. It is designed to keep organoleptic features of olive ...

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olive crusher
olive crusher
RDS Series

... process in the most efficient way. Thanks to the movable sieve, the sieve prevents wearing. It performs breaking process of olive grains.

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