- Food industry >
- Grain processing and pasta making >
- Olive leaves pasta forming machine
Olive leaves pasta forming machine
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Output: 140, 160, 70, 90 kg/h
... frame • Forming machine for pasta factories for the production of regional pasta formats, such as mini and regular-size Orecchiette, Trofie, Fusillo Calabro, Scialatielli, ...
Output: 20 kg/h - 25 kg/h
Special pasta forming machines, suitable to produce pasta in typical twisted or dragged shapes like trofie, cavatelli, foglie d'olivo, ecc.... Compact: The machine ...
Output: 40 kg/h - 50 kg/h
Special pasta forming machines, suitable to produce pasta in typical twisted or dragged shapes like trofie, cavatelli, foglie d'olivo, ecc.... Highly productive: Depending ...
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