Opacity meters

6 companies | 7 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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exhaust gas opacity meter
exhaust gas opacity meter

The Gasboard—6010 opacity meter is used to measure the diesel exhaust smoke by the introduction of a proportion of the vehicle exhaust gasses into the smoke check chamber via a sample probe. It is equipped ...

opacity meter for automotive applications
opacity meter for automotive applications

Introduction Gasboard-6010 opacity meter provides a simple and accurate way to measure the opacity of smoke emitted from diesel vehicle by partial flow technology. This model can measure ...

opacity meter for automotive applications
opacity meter for automotive applications

Introduction Gasboard-6050 opacity meter provides very accurate way to measure the opacity of smoke degree emitted from diesel vehicle by partial flow technology, it can measure the ...

opacity meter with LED light source
opacity meter with LED light source

... relative opacity scale High resolution analog output Calibration option DESCRIPTION OPACITY & TURBIDITY SENSOR OVERVIEW Verify opacity of containers with on-line, high-speed, ...

dust opacity meter
dust opacity meter
Opastop® GP4000T-EX

Ambient Dust measurement for hazardous areas in industrial environment • Reliable measurements • Continuously received information • Simple installation and easy maintenance • Equipment for hazardous areas • Flexible solution ...

gas opacity meter
gas opacity meter

SENTRY is an electro-optical sensor whose function is to measure opacity in the air through the existing particles (suspended particles, gas emissions, etc.). It uses the forward scatter principle, capturing a sample ...

emission gas analysis opacity meter
emission gas analysis opacity meter
Opastop GP 4000H

This unit maintains a simplicity of operation with its single scanner head assembly adapted for numerous applications (coal, oil, biomass and other solid fuels). The self-checking functions for fouling and continuous automatic correction ...

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