Optical alignment systems

4 companies | 5 products
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spindle alignment system
spindle alignment system

Spindle Analyzer diagnoses machine tool spindle error and is available in three models. The Dynamic model rapidly measures rotational error motion. Thermal model measures spindle stability of the machine in 5 degrees of freedom (X,Y,Z ...

optical device alignment system
optical device alignment system
E2400 - DAli 4

... our popular automated photonic device alignment controller for the following applications: • Fibre-to-laser diode alignment • Fibre-to-waveguide alignment • Fibre-to-fibre coupling • ...

See the other products
Elliot Scientific
optical alignment system
optical alignment system

The MDE22885 is a specialised system for the alignment of SOAs (semiconductor optical amplifiers) and other similar dual-ended devices with angled facets. The system ...

See the other products
Elliot Scientific
optical alignment system
optical alignment system

SOLVE PROBLEMS OF PRECISE ALIGNMENT AFTER PICKING THE OBJECTS FROM THE BIN An additional 2D vision device to increase the accuracy of the product alignment to reach the production line needs in terms ...

optical alignment system
optical alignment system

... Inexpensive Fast and high-precision drives The basis of the fiber alignment system is an XYZ setup consisting of three motorized linear stages from the M-111 series for rough alignment ...

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