Optical samplers

7 companies | 10 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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liquid sampler
liquid sampler
AS80, AS90

... unsupervised measurement of up to 89 samples. You can set any number of individual measurement methods, cleaning processes and sampler templates on the user interface of the A.KRÜSS laboratory instrument. The AS80 and ...

liquid sampler
liquid sampler
Autoflex® R817

... automated testing, and more. Engineered to withstand the harshest laboratory environments The Rudolph R817 Automatic Sampling System is rugged and specifically designed to stand-up in harsh Sugar mill laboratories ...

liquid sampler
liquid sampler
Autoflex® R827

... because their products are mainly for human consumption. Automated testing for your Density (SG), Urine Specific Gravity, Optical Rotation (OR), Specific Rotation (SR), Refractive Index (RI), Brix, Color (Reflectance ...

liquid sampler
liquid sampler
AutoFlex R837

... wish to make multiple tests of their sample such as automated Density, SG (Specific Gravity), RI (Refractive Index), OR (Optical Rotation), Specific Rotation, BRIX, Color, and pH measurements all with one sample loading. ...

water sampler
water sampler

Mechanically lockable sampler with 0.5 or 1 liter capacity for 2"or 4" groundwater monitoring points Connects to SEBA electric contact gauges KLL type (electric water level gauge) Easily disassembled and cleaned Proven ...

particle sampler
particle sampler
Met One E-Sampler

TheE-SAMPLER is an ambient air particle and dust counting device. TheE-Sampler uses a double laser and gravimetric technology for the real time monitoring of aerosols and particles. Equipped with a data ...

liquid sampler
liquid sampler

The Lighthouse LS-20 Liquid Sampler has an integrated syringe sampler and optical particle counting system. Its easy-to-use Windows based software interface is designed to meet the international ...

See the other products
Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions
particle sampler
particle sampler

beam sampler
beam sampler

... back-reflections • Optical pick-off for use with our energy or power detectors • Attenuator for our high sensitivity detectors like M6 series and PH series PRESERVES POLARIZATION The BA series optical ...

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