Paper roll AGVs

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3 companies | 4 products
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AGV with platform
AGV with platform

Load: 0 kg - 3,000 kg

Stäubli designs and manufactures premium AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) solutions. The new Stäubli 3-ton AGV platform, PF3, opens up new industrial applications. The Stäubli PF3 offers outstanding performance. ...

handling AGV
handling AGV

DTA is the first company specialized in design and manufacturing of self-propelled transporters for on site transportation from 1 to 1.200 tons. Since 1972, our transporters have been used in different sectors like windmill, railway, ...

handling AGV
handling AGV

Load: 2,500 kg

AGV 2, 5 tons for handling paper coils with motorized rollers

handling AGV
handling AGV

... to the right place. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are driverless robots used to transport materials in warehouses, distribution centres (DCs), and manufacturing facilities using designated pickup ...

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