PID pressure regulators

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vacuum pressure regulator
vacuum pressure regulator

Pressure: -1 bar - 0.5 bar
Flow: 0 l/min - 20 l/min

Closed loop vacuum or pressure regulator with flow indication and programmable PID parameters. Instrumentation Dental Respiratory Semiconductors Automation Specifications Control ...

proportional pressure regulator
proportional pressure regulator
PP series

Pressure: -1 bar - 50 bar
Flow: 210 l/min - 5,600 l/min
Orifice diameter: 0.13 mm - 1 mm

... voltage the valve exhausts. Software: Display: signal, outlet pressure, parameter, pressure switch signal etc. Scope_function: view setpoint, outlet pressure, internal signals from ...

air pressure regulator
air pressure regulator
QKL-B series

Pressure: 0 bar - 30 bar
Flow: 40, 6,000 l/min
Orifice diameter: 0.13, 0.38 in

... 's 30 bar (430 psig) electronic pressure regulator consists of high pressure solenoid valves, high pressure transducer, and intelligent electronics processing PID ...

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