Pin mixers

3 companies | 3 products
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pin mixer
pin mixer
GS Polaron Pin Rotor and Plasticator

Engine power: 11, 18.5 kW

... shortening products will be kneaded extra with the Polaron pin rotor machine. This will give you a homogeneous product quality. Little floor space is needed in your production for the pin rotor You ...

granulator mixer
granulator mixer

Continuous Granulator / Ring-layer mix-pelletizer (RMG) Pin mixer for dry, moist and viscous materials The scoop-like mixing tools of the continuous granulator and ring-layer mix-pelletizer ...

pin kneader
pin kneader

Capacity: 160 l

The Gerstenberg Schröder Resting Tube is important for final crystallization ensuring the right product consistency for packed products, especially table, cake and puff pastry margarine. The Resting Tube enables the crystal network in ...

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