Pitot tubes

11 companies | 16 products
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steam Pitot tube
steam Pitot tube

... Unlike conventional single-point pitot tubes that have the limitation of being a point-velocity device, the OPTIBAR PT 2000 averaging pitot tube has multiple impact-sensing ...

stainless steel Pitot tube
stainless steel Pitot tube

... Unlike conventional single-point pitot tubes that have the limitation of being a point-velocity device, the OPTIBAR PT 2000 averaging pitot tube has multiple impact-sensing ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube

... fluid flow Pitot tubes Type L: ellipsoidal head Pitot tubes Type L: Intake for total pressure and 6 holes for static pressure. Body made of stainless steel Pitot ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube

A pitot tube is a pressure measurement instrument used to measure fluid flow velocity. Kimo offers a wide range of high-quality and accurate Pitot Type S tubes, as per ...

stainless steel Pitot tube
stainless steel Pitot tube
FLC-APT series

... characteristics and the Reynolds number, a vortex will be generated around the pitot tube. A support mounted on the opposite side of the pipe can be supplied should the natural frequency ...

Pitot tube
Pitot tube

... Blasius’s formula) if the flow is turbulent. Pitot tube enables the measurement of this flowrate by generating a differential pressure proportional to the dynamic pressure of the fluid, when the pitot ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube
FDA602 series

... measurement with Pitot tubes •Fitting for connecting hose between Pitot tube and pressure measuring connector •Pressure measuring connector can be ...

Pitot tube
Pitot tube
PIT series

... PIT-504 pitot static tube when connected to auto-zeroing differential pressure (ΔP)sensor gives a unique combination that helps in accurate measurement of air velocity/volume airflow over a wide range. ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube

... wall. The standard profile of pitot is used in any duct with a diameter of 72" or smaller. For larger ducts, the VAP-XL pitot can be used. VAP pitots are perfect for clean air or for ...

heated Pitot tube
heated Pitot tube

Heated Pitots incorporate modifications to the original VAP Pitot that allow them to accurately measure, even in conditions where most pitots freeze or begin to function less than accurately. ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube

High accuracy Pitot tube with built-in electronics delivering a signal output of 0 to 5 V. This pitot tube sensor is used for measuring air speed by integrating dynamic ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube

... bonding + amplifiers) enables vehicle aerodynamics to be enhanced. The 6 mm pitot tube model is a very light and easily integrated pitot tube sensor. The pitot ...

Pitot tube
Pitot tube
Yaw Pitot S/T

Introducing the Texense YAW Pitot sensor with remote tube combining static, differential, yaw angle & board temperature in a compact lightweight housing. • Sensor & tube packaged ...

stainless steel Pitot tube
stainless steel Pitot tube

... same highly precise profile as the deltaflow DF25 and is used to verify and calibrate existing measurements. The deltaflow pitot is currently in use, for example, in power plants, by measurement teams, and-in the heating ...

air flow Pitot tube
air flow Pitot tube

FloXact measurement probes The FloXact™ probe is a differential air pressure device designed to measure air volume flow in a duct. It includes multiple sensing points to measure total and static pressures. The FloXact™ probe incorporates ...

stainless steel Pitot tube
stainless steel Pitot tube

Made entirely of stainless steel PITOT “L” Precision apertures for static pressure ASME design compliant with AMCA and ASHRAE specifications Coefficient 1, without amplification

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