Polyelectrolyte preparation stations

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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dispensing preparation station
dispensing preparation station

Can work with both powdered and emulsified polyelectrolyte. Continuous operation. Made of stainless steel.

polyelectrolyte preparation station
polyelectrolyte preparation station

... maturation and one for collecting the mature polyelectrolyte at the optimum point for use. The retention time of each chamber is 30 minutes. It includes an anti-condensation nozzle for the exit of the polyelectrolyte. It ...

polyelectrolyte preparation station
polyelectrolyte preparation station
SPP series

... extract the poly ready. By level feelers, system of preparation is automatic. Feelers start and stop preparation, when station is completely full in the three sectors. Adjustments ...

polyelectrolyte preparation station
polyelectrolyte preparation station

... Tecknofanghi are designed to be used in the conditioning of sludge integrated with a polyelectrolyte. These devices are preparation units of manual and completely automatic polyelectrolyte ...

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