Polymer spectrometers

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Polymer spectrometers | Choosing the Right Spectrometer
Raman spectrometry is a type of diffusion spectrometry that enables the analysis of the chemical structure of a sample and the identification of the compounds present in a similar way to infrared spectrometry, but on smaller samples and with better resolution. A Raman spectrometer allows you to analyze the molecular composition of the external structure of a material. What is it used for? It is used in archeology for non-destructive analysis. It...
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FT-IR spectrometer
FT-IR spectrometer

Width: 29 cm
Height: 19 cm

The Agilent 4500 portable FTIR spectrometer is a rugged analyzer perfect for on-the-spot analysis in a range of non-laboratory settings, including forensics, chemical identification, and the chemical, food, and polymer ...

infrared spectrometer
infrared spectrometer

Wavelength: 1,000 nm - 2,500 nm
Length: 185 mm
Width: 145 mm

The new and improved versions of our NIR spectrometers offer higher sensitivity, lower weight, and a smaller size. They are based on a 100mm optical bench with an NA of 0.13, offering optimum balance between resolution ...

X-ray spectrometer
X-ray spectrometer
Epsilon 4

... customers demand superior consistency of your polymer performance and consumer safety regardless of production location. The Epsilon 4, an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) benchtop spectrometer, ...

polymer identification spectrometer
polymer identification spectrometer

Combined Device for Polymer type identification – also for black parts, fire retardants and additives A combination of a NIR-Infrared spectrometer (mIRo-part) and a patented sliding spark atomic emission ...

atomic absorption spectrometer
atomic absorption spectrometer

Wavelength: 190 nm - 900 nm
Length: 93 cm
Width: 28 cm

Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrophotometer AAS SAFAS AA181: HIGH QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE, EXCEPTIONAL COST EFFECTIVENESS with double background correction The AAS ( Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ) SAFAS AA181 features very ...

Raman spectrometer
Raman spectrometer

Wavelength: 532, 785 nm

... fiber-coupled Multi-channel Raman analyzer serves the needs of the analytical Raman market, process analytics, chemical, and polymer markets, as well as the pharmaceutical and bioprocessing markets. This analyzer can ...

See the other products
Kaiser Optical Systems SARL
CCD spectrometer
CCD spectrometer

Wavelength: 2.5 µm - 11 µm
Length: 60 mm
Width: 40 mm

... . Biomedical: Breathing Gas, Blood, Urine Analysis In-process Control: Petrochemistry, Pharmaceutical Industry Plastic and Polymer processing Spectroscopy Non-invasive medical diagnosis Laser ...

benchtop spectrometer
benchtop spectrometer

... testing and screening of regulated elements (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr, Br). Petrochemical, Polymers, Metallurgical, Environmental, Minerals, Receptest, Custom Applications Polymers and plastics, PVC, etc. ...

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