
3 companies | 7 products
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plate polyoxymethylene
plate polyoxymethylene
POM® series

The continuous operating temperature of this engineering plastic ranges between -40 °C and +100 °C. Based on its toughness combined with high dimensional stability, there is no tendency to stress cracking. The copolymer has high thermal ...

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GEHR Kunststoffwerk
rod polyoxymethylene
rod polyoxymethylene
GLIDE POM-10PE series

In the group of sliding-modified materials we have included GLIDE-GEHR POM-10PE-TF®, a new material in which the tribological behaviour (friction) has been optimized by incorporating solid lubricants. Thanks to these solid lubricants, ...

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GEHR Kunststoffwerk
rod polyoxymethylene
rod polyoxymethylene

ERTACETAL® is a material with greater dimensional stability than polyamides despite having a lower wear resistance. ERTACETAL® C is more resistant to hydrolysis, strong alkaline solutions and thermal oxidation degradation than ERTACETAL® ...

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Polylanema, Lda.
rod polyoxymethylene
rod polyoxymethylene
Ertacetal® H

ERTACETAL® H has a higher mechanical strength, stiffness, hardness and flowability than ERTACETAL® C, as well as lower coefficient of thermal expansion and higher wear resistance. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS - High mechanical resistance - ...

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Polylanema, Lda.
rod polyoxymethylene
rod polyoxymethylene

This copolymer acetol contains a detectable metal additive and has been specifically adapted for use in the food processing and packaging industries where it can be easily screened by conventional metal detection systems installed to ...

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Polylanema, Lda.
ESD polyoxymethylene
ESD polyoxymethylene

Poly-ESD is a conductive polyacetal. This class is designed specifically for use in applications where POM C characteristics are required, but with the added benefit of good electrical conductivity, such as in electrical ...

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Polylanema, Lda.
rod polyoxymethylene
rod polyoxymethylene

Sustarin® (POM - Polyoxymethylene) is available as semi-finished products in a wide range of dimensions and colours: We also offer machined components and POM blanks made of Sustarin®(POM) in accordance ...

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