Polyurethane panel presses

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3 companies | 4 products
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electric press
electric press
E-FORM XL1-250

Force: 2,000 kN
Opening: 800 mm
Table width: 1,500 mm - 1,500 mm

... mm) the E-FORM XL1-250 pushes electric technology to reach up to 250 tonnes of force. All the advantages of an electric press with high tonnages for mass production or large parts.

electric press
electric press

Force: 20 tf - 35 tf
Opening: 520 mm - 520 mm
Table width: 400 mm - 500 mm

E-FORM X1 HT is an agile and excellent solution for prototyping. It has a compact design that allows easy placement within the production area. The quietness resulting from the exclusive use of electric power instead of hydraulic allows ...

hydraulic press
hydraulic press

... to glue the printed sheets to the support “core” panel MDF or foamed polyurethane panel)aluminum profiles or other materials. For presses for metal sheets and external doors, in addition ...

electric press
electric press

... spliced profiles per hour by using tools with 3 cavities. The PE-Press is also the perfect tool for splicing profiles with tape as the cold tools will not damage the tape. Our PE-Press is equipped ...

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