Portable photometer-colorimeters

3 companies | 4 products
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drinking water photometer-colorimeters
drinking water photometer-colorimeters
pHotoFlex® STD

Portable colorimeter with 6 wavelength for environmental monitoring, extensive water and comprehensive routine analytics in (mobile) labs This LED colorimeter is a menu-guided easy to ...

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Xylem Analytics Germany Sales GmbH & Co. KG.
water analysis photometer-colorimeters
water analysis photometer-colorimeters
pHotoFlex® pH

Lab2Go - no matter if environmental monitoring, service labs or aquaculture With its unique multi-parameter function of photometry and full electro-chemical pH- and ORP-measurement, pHotoFlex® pH shows its strength with more complex tasks ...

See the other products
Xylem Analytics Germany Sales GmbH & Co. KG.
drinking water photometer-colorimeters
drinking water photometer-colorimeters
P series

The portable UV254 / UVT meter from Real Tech leads the way in portable organics testing. Benefiting from Spilt-Sense technology, the instruments have a unique memory calibration feature which allows ...

color analysis photometer-colorimeters
color analysis photometer-colorimeters

... can be determined with the colorimeter. An LED with a wavelength of 400 ... 700 nm is built into the colorimeter as a light source. The measuring opening of the colorimeter is Ø8 mm. ...

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