Power supplies for welding applications

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3 companies | 3 products
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DC/DC power supply
DC/DC power supply

Input voltage: 380 V
Output voltage: -1 kV - 62 kV
Current: 51 mA

... Grid bias power output: 1. Output DC voltage DC0~-2000V, 1mA, voltage is continuously adjustable 2. Grid bias control adjustment: 2 control methods (open-loop control and closed-loop control, set the ...

AC/DC power supply
AC/DC power supply

Input voltage: 360 V - 440 V
Output voltage: 60 V - 200 V
Current: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 mA

... electron beam power supply range is suitable for 3D printing and additive manufacturing, laser metal deposition and electron beam welding. Consisting of high powered units, with power ...

power supply for welding applications
power supply for welding applications

Precision Transistor Power Supply JMS1000A/B Meeting the requirements on precise welding energy control in the precision electronic assembly, and ...

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