Pyranometers with quartz domes

2 companies | 3 products
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pyranometer with extended spectral range
pyranometer with extended spectral range

SR22 is a pyranometer of the highest category in the ISO 9060 classification system: secondary standard. On top of the features and benefits of the successful SR20 pyranometer, SR22 has domes ...

ISO 9060 pyranometer
ISO 9060 pyranometer

... warranty CMP22 Pyranometer CMP22 has all the features of CMP21 but uses very high quality quartz domes for a wider spectral range, improved directional response, and reduced thermal ...

See the other products
OTT HydroMet
ISO 9060 pyranometer
ISO 9060 pyranometer

... spectrally flat Class A pyranometer that combines the new smart interface with quartz domes and sensor technology from the CMP22. Which has a proven track record of decades, making it ...

See the other products
OTT HydroMet
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