Rack-and-pinion linear encoders

2 companies | 3 products
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incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder

Incremental encoder résolution (pulses per revolution: 2,500 unit
Shaft diameter: 10 mm
Output frequency: 220 kHz

EC 34 encoder for rack with automatic slack recovery. If compared to an incremental linear system, this type of encoder extremely simplifies linear measurements and overcomes measurement problems on long distance. Our models are sealed ...

incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder

Housing diameter: 110 mm
Shaft diameter: 13 mm - 16 mm
Output frequency: 100 kHz

Dimensions x80 Weight about 800 g Pulses/rev 1÷2540

See the other products
incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder

Length: 100 mm - 50,000 mm
Resolution: 1 µm - 1,000 µm

Dimensions100 mm ÷ 50 m Power supply5 ÷ 30V Rackstainless steel Resolution1µm ÷ 1mm OutputIncremental square wave or sinusoidal wave Precision certificate with laser interferometersupplied with the trasducer

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