Radiometers for research applications

3 companies | 3 products
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radiometer for research applications
radiometer for research applications

The NR01 is a four-component net radiometer. This product is applicable for scientific-grade energy balance studies. It can operate with a separate measurements of solar and Far Infra-red radiation. It has major developments ...

radiometer for research applications
radiometer for research applications

ILT5000 Research/Lab Radiometer 10 Decade dynamic range of optical analysis Sample rate up to 100 Hz, programmable Auto-range, Auto-dark, Auto-sample with user control options Built-in wireless ...

UV radiometer
UV radiometer
Power Puck II

... level for proper curing UVICURE PLUS II and UV POWER PUCK II * Curing applications of inks, adhesives, solder masks, and epoxies (not for use in web press applications) * Measure lamp performance * ...

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