Rewinders-winders for hydraulic applications

2 companies | 3 products
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wire rewinder-winder
wire rewinder-winder

Roll diameter: 175 mm

PBW1200 is a precision parallel winder designed to ensure highest quality in winding bobbins for use in braiding machines. The standard machine is provided with twelve stations with conventional mechanical ...

hose rewinder-winder
hose rewinder-winder

Roll diameter: 50.8 mm
Roll width: 50 mm - 1,000 mm

Decoiler for hydrualique Hose Manual version Electrial version Diam MAX 1000mm

hose rewinder-winder
hose rewinder-winder

Roll diameter: 2,200 mm

Robust, motorised decoiler for large bore industrial hose. Comes with 6 manually adjustable centring pins, remote stop-start controller and a high torque, 3kW motor with speed control.

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