Robust mallets

2 companies | 3 products
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installation mallet
installation mallet
PB 306 Cu

Weight: 340 g - 1,340 g

Copper soft-faced deadblow mallet, recoilless for recoilless blows during assembly work, sheet metal working, panel beating etc. copper inserts, easy and quick to replace, keeps budget under control and protects ...

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PB Swiss Tools ( Shanghai) Trading Co.,Ltd
installation mallet
installation mallet
PB 300

Weight: 167 g - 1,470 g

Dead-blow mallet with plastic head for straightening workpieces on machine tables for recoilless blows during assembly work inserts made of particularly tough, wear-resistant plastic, for an exceptionally ...

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PB Swiss Tools ( Shanghai) Trading Co.,Ltd
installation mallet
installation mallet

Weight: 500, 800, 1,000, 1,500 g

GAMM's MEL is a mallet which offers a thermoplastic hardness of 95 ± 2. It is integrated with a shore heat resistance range feature with a range of - 24°C to + 90°C.

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