Roll drum lifters

2 companies | 3 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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battery-powered drum lifter
battery-powered drum lifter
CDD-Z Series

Load limit: 0 kg - 200 kg
Lifting height: 0 m - 1.6 m

... bottomless leg design, this equipment is highly versatile, accommodating direct ground placement of pallets, machines, or drums, thereby facilitating diverse operational needs. It is particularly beneficial in industries ...

automatic drum lifter
automatic drum lifter
CPD-Z Series

Load limit: 500 kg - 1,000 kg

... 90 degrees, with a unique clamp design for efficient roll handling. Ideal for industries such as paper, packaging, printing, and textiles, our Stackers handle a variety of materials, from rolls to ...

drum lifter with gripping tool
drum lifter with gripping tool

Load limit: 300 kg

FHR300 drum lifter/transporter The self-closing gripping mechanism of the FHR300 drum lifter/transporter makes it particularly easy to lift 208 l drums. ...

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