RS-232 signal converters

4 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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pulse signal converter
pulse signal converter

The FU210-28 is the functionally compatible and more powerful successor unit of our proven signal converter FU252-28. With the display units from VSE, the output pulses of the connected flowmeters ...

RS-232 signal converter
RS-232 signal converter

C10475-01 is a signal processing unit specifically designed to convert the output of a photodiode module (C10439 series) into digital signals. Highresolution digital output (16 bits) can be obtained through ...

repeater signal converter
repeater signal converter

The A1000 and A2000 series converter boxes convert RS-232 communication signal levels to the correct electrical signals required by RS-485. ...

repeater signal converter
repeater signal converter

The A1000 and A2000 series converter boxes convert RS-232 communication signal levels to the correct electrical signals required by RS-485. ...

repeater signal converter
repeater signal converter

The A1000 and A2000 series converter boxes convert RS-232 communication signal levels to the correct electrical signals required by RS-485. ...

USB load cell signal converter
USB load cell signal converter

STRAIN-GAUGE EMBEDDED DIGITAL CONVERTERS These digital converters convert the signal from a Wheatstone bridge (mV/V) into a standardised digital signal RS-232, ...

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