Scanners with integrated electronics

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3 companies | 3 products
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2-axis scanner
2-axis scanner
scanCONTROL 30x0

Length: 106 µm - 121 µm
Width: 40 µm - 96 µm
Measuring distance: 78 mm - 420 mm

... available as COMPACT and SMART versions. The COMPACT scanners provide calibrated profile data that can be further processed on a PC with software evaluation provided by the customer. SMART scanners operate ...

XYZ scanner
XYZ scanner

Measuring distance: 5 mm - 634 mm

... notify about product suitability. In addition, Smart scanners (profilers) contain built-in protocols for interaction with various industrial robots and cobots, allowing the scanners to be integrated ...

2/3-axis scanner
2/3-axis scanner
Q4 series

Length: 84 mm - 1,155 mm
Width: 32 mm
Measuring distance: 5 mm - 1,000 mm

... sample. If the scanner is guided over the sample (y axis), a series of profiles is created forming a three-dimensional point cloud in space. This point cloud can be subjected by dimensional control carried ...

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