Scrubber-dryers for the food industry

2 companies | 3 products
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ride-on scrubber-dryer
ride-on scrubber-dryer

Working width: 960 mm
Hourly cleaning capacity: 7,200 m²

The Eureka E100 is an innovative ride‑on scrubber-dryer, engineered to guarantee exceptional performance even on the toughest industrial floor. With its compact size and impressive ...

ride-on scrubber-dryer
ride-on scrubber-dryer

Working width: 700 mm
Hourly cleaning capacity: 4,000 m²

Ride-on Scrubber for large surfaces, suitable for the industrial and food sectors for the cleaning of large surfaces 700 DIABLO Ride-on Scrubber. DIABLO 700 and 800 ...

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omm lavapavimenti
ride-on scrubber-dryer
ride-on scrubber-dryer

Working width: 800 mm
Hourly cleaning capacity: 4,400 m²

Ride-on Scrubber for large surfaces, suitable for the industrial and food sectors for the cleaning of large surfaces 800 DIABLO Ride-on Scrubber. DIABLO 700 and 800 ...

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omm lavapavimenti
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