Shell and tube aftercoolers

3 companies | 3 products
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compressed air aftercooler
compressed air aftercooler
Basco® PLAC

Pressure: 75 psi - 300 psi

... equipment worldwide. Performance notes. PLAC tubes are effectively arranged to maximize heat transfer and reduce cooling water usage Removable tube bundle simplifies cleaning of both tube ...

air aftercooler
air aftercooler

Maximum temperature: 10 °C - 160 °C
Flow rate: 30 m³/min - 150 m³/min
Pressure: 1 bar

... water source: Air cooling (cross-flow heat exchanger, ACA series). For achieving very low temperatures: Water cooling (shell and tube heat exchanger, WRN series). The heated cooling air can be used ...

water aftercooler
water aftercooler

Maximum temperature: 86 °F - 320 °F
Pressure: 0 psi - 14.7 psi

... heat exchanger, ACA series). For achieving very low temperatures: Water cooling (shell and tube heat exchanger, WRN series). The heated cooling air can be used for hall-heating purposes, while the heated ...

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