Shrink wrapping machines for electronic applications

2 companies | 3 products
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side sealing shrink wrapping machine
side sealing shrink wrapping machine

Throughput: 20 p/min - 40 p/min
Width: 975, 770 mm
Length: 1,680, 1,672 mm

... constant temperature side sealing knife. • The constant temperature heating sealing and cutting system can be used to seal and cut various industrial standard shrink films such as POF. ...

fully-automatic shrink wrapping machine
fully-automatic shrink wrapping machine
YK-L5545D + YK-LS5030W

Throughput: 20 p/min - 35 p/min

... vertical up and down sealing and cutting shrink packaging machine YK-L5545D + YK-LS5030W features: Automatic L-type sealing and cutting the upper and lower vertical packaging machine ...

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Yuanxu Packing(shanghai) Machinery Co., LTD
automatic shrink wrapping machine
automatic shrink wrapping machine

Throughput: 20 p/min - 40 p/min

The automatic side sealing shrink packaging machine is in the automatic high-speed side sealing machine based on the different needs of the domestic ...

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Yuanxu Packing(shanghai) Machinery Co., LTD
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