Soluble HIPS filaments

3 companies | 3 products
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3D printer HIPS filaments
3D printer HIPS filaments

Net weight: 1 kg

Commonly used as support material for ABS and ASA. It can be dissolved with d-limonene, it can also be removed by breaking the support. It can also be used as model material with a nice matte finish.Material very easy to polish.

3D printer HIPS filaments
3D printer HIPS filaments
RAL 9003

Net weight: 1 kg

HIPS is an easy to print, High Impact Polystyrene filament with multifunctional properties. HIPS is an excellent support material in combination with ABS, because it dissolves in D-limonene ...

3D printer HIPS filaments
3D printer HIPS filaments

Net weight: 1 kg

HIPS stands for high impact polystyrene and it is a lightweight material that is mainly used as a soluble support structure when printing ABS models. HIPS can be dissolved in d-Limonene. ...

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