Stainless steel air motors

7 companies | 24 products
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rotary vane air motor
rotary vane air motor

Torque: 0.15 Nm - 5.7 Nm
Rotational speed: 300 rpm - 11,000 rpm
Power: 160 W - 200 W

ATEX air motors: certified safety. 100% Made in Italy“: designed and produced by Fiam in Vicenza. 20M- 200Watt- air motors are ATEX certified in accordance with the ...

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rotary vane air motor
rotary vane air motor

Torque: 0.27 Nm - 11.7 Nm
Rotational speed: 190 rpm - 8,390 rpm
Power: 210 W - 280 W

ATEX air motors: certified safety. 100% Made in Italy“: designed and produced by Fiam in Vicenza. 28M- 210-280 Watt- air motors are ATEX certified in accordance with ...

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rotary vane air motor
rotary vane air motor

Torque: 0.27 Nm - 11.7 Nm
Rotational speed: 190 rpm - 8,390 rpm
Power: 210 W - 280 W

... treatments to reduce vane friction and increase motor service life with little or no lubrication. IP67 protection The sealants and gaskets used in 20M and 28M (and 15M on request) stainless steel ...

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non-lubricated air motor
non-lubricated air motor
V -NL series

Torque: 0.85 Nm - 67.05 Nm
Rotational speed: 1,350 rpm - 4,500 rpm
Power: 0.54 ch - 12.71 ch

... your air motor today and choose the renewed GLOBE Non Lubricated Vane Air Motor! We have upgraded our Non Lubricated Vane Air Motors ...

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GLOBE Airmotors, Test Equipment & Motion Control
vane air motor
vane air motor
V1 series

Torque: 0 Nm - 1.15 Nm
Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 6,000 rpm
Power: 0.52 kW

The smallest vane motor in our program Our motors can endure overload for a long amount of time and can even be blocked completely without damage to the motor. Because ...

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GLOBE Airmotors, Test Equipment & Motion Control
vane air motor
vane air motor
V2 series

Torque: 0 Nm - 3.12 Nm
Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 4,000 rpm
Power: 0.88, 0.72 kW

... speed are easily adjusted by pressure and air flow. Our motors can endure overload for a long amount of time and can even be blocked completely without damage to the motor. Because of ...

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GLOBE Airmotors, Test Equipment & Motion Control
planetary gear air motor
planetary gear air motor
MTE 07 series

Torque: 0.36 Nm - 1 Nm
Rotational speed: 5,800 rpm - 16,200 rpm
Power: 480, 380, 290 W

"07" series air motors are much appreciated in pharmacy, chemistry and food processing industries. Sealed and made of stainless steel, they are waterproof, resistant ...

planetary gear air motor
planetary gear air motor
MTS 07 series

Torque: 1.8 Nm - 67 Nm
Rotational speed: 91 rpm - 4,170 rpm
Power: 291 W - 480 W

"07" series air motors are much appreciated in pharmacy, chemistry and food processing industries. Sealed and made of stainless steel, they are waterproof, resistant ...

planetary gear air motor
planetary gear air motor
MTH 07 series

Torque: 41 Nm - 159 Nm
Rotational speed: 28 rpm - 147 rpm
Power: 216 W - 470 W

"07" series air motors are much appreciated in pharmacy, chemistry and food processing industries. Sealed and made of stainless steel, they are waterproof, resistant ...

planetary gear air brake motor
planetary gear air brake motor
67X series

Power: 200 W - 1,600 W

... planetary gear can be found as a standard product in the ADVANCED LINE pneumatic motor program for 200 W, 300 W and 1.2 kW stainless steel air motors.

vane air motor
vane air motor

Torque: 0 Nm - 2.8 Nm
Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 3,500 rpm
Power: 750 W

... aluminum or 316 Stainless Steel motor housings. Versatile vane material for long life in lubricated or non-lubricated operation. MVP offers a variety of flange and hub mounting options. Anodized ...

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stainless steel air motor
stainless steel air motor

... during operation. The quick and easy cleaning of our acid- and chemical-resistant stainless steel motors save time and avoid cumbersome processes. Our stainless steel ...

vane air motor
vane air motor
LZB-RL series

Torque: 0.15 Nm - 124 Nm
Rotational speed: 49 rpm - 10,800 rpm
Power: 0.11 kW - 0.84 kW

For applications that expose the air motor for high moisture/water, corrosive substances or are in the need for regular cleaning and should be without dirt pockets – LZB in Stainless ...

vane air motor
vane air motor
LZB-LR series

Torque: 9 Nm - 14 Nm
Rotational speed: 5 rpm - 180 rpm

... mounting Lubrication free Reversible Brake available Stainless Steel range High torque and low speed range ATEX certified Benefits High power-to-air consumption ratio High ...

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