Stainless steel enrobing and tempering machines

6 companies | 9 products
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continuous enrobing and tempering machine
continuous enrobing and tempering machine

... and made of stainless steel AISI304. The temperature is controlled through high precision probes and by GAMI dedicated card. The machine is complete with flow stopping and dosing foot ...

See the other products
GAMI s.r.l.
chocolate enrobing and tempering machine
chocolate enrobing and tempering machine
Gut-bom 260

continuous enrobing and tempering machine
continuous enrobing and tempering machine
ATC-P series

... comparison to the models LCM-ATC without pump. For moulding products this machine also offers enough space for comfortable work. The machine, as well as the Booster-Pump and the enrobing ...

continuous enrobing and tempering machine
continuous enrobing and tempering machine
NJJ series

The machine structure is developed to meet the European Standard. The space between the upper and lower belt can be adjusted, which gives a wide range of variety products. We can provide you with 900, 1000mm other ...

chocolate enrobing and tempering machine
chocolate enrobing and tempering machine

Function Consists out of 1 basic machine with 1 or more removable chocolate tanks "inclusive" chocolate bath. For the industrial enrobing of cookies, waffles, truffles, fillings, ... To 'switch' easily ...

See the other products
Prefamac Chocolate Machines N.V.
continuous enrobing and tempering machine
continuous enrobing and tempering machine

Output: 400 kg/h

MACHINE MADE ACCORDING TO CE RULES MACHINE MADE IN STAINLESS STEEL AISI 304 Description JUMBO is the expression of FBM technology in the field of industrial processing ...

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