Steam heaters

3 companies | 3 products
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steam heater
steam heater

ATTSU RVE Electric superheated steam heater ATTSU RVE Electric superheated steam heater is used in certain processes which require superheated steam, ...

steam heater
steam heater

Power: 1 kW - 45,000 kW
Temperature: -100 °C - 1,000 °C
Pressure: 10 mbar - 200,000 mbar

... Specialty Flanged Inline (SFI) Heaters deliver safe, precise, and durable performance in a wide-range of extremely demanding high-temperature, high-pressure and low-flow applications. SFI heaters are ...

steam heater
steam heater

Power: 150 kW - 290 kW
Temperature: 270, 300 °C

The system should heat the sealing-steam to a temperature of 270 / 300 °C, to save the bearing of a turbine. The system consists of a drop seperator, a flow heater with safety valve and a thyristor control ...

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