Steel micro taps

3 companies | 5 products
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monobloc micro tap
monobloc micro tap

The thread whirl cutter is ideal for performing threads in difficult to machine materials. DC SWISS offers optimal solutions for threads with a pitch from 0.2 mm.

monobloc micro tap
monobloc micro tap

Perfect surface finishing due to appropriate relief angles. Easy to screw in. Optimised chip formation thanks to repetitive mastery of flute grinding. Guarantees a long service life. Accuracy and repeatability of the tool by manufacturing ...

monobloc micro tap
monobloc micro tap

Optimised chip formation thanks to repetitive mastery of flute grinding. Guarantees a long service life.

monobloc micro tap
monobloc micro tap
DIXI 1708 series

Micro cutting taps, right-hand spiral, developed for the tapping of blind holes. Thread according to NIHS 06-10 (ISO 1501 / DIN 14). DI-TOP coating improves tool life in ferrous and non-ferrous materials.

monobloc micro tap
monobloc micro tap

... one of the world's largest microtool manufacturers for micro machining with a comprehensive range of microtools for all the needs of machining all steel materials, non-ferrous metals, stainless ...

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