Synthetic solid lubricants

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4 companies | 4 products
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coolant solid lubricant
coolant solid lubricant

ISOCONTRAN is a fully synthetic special fluid for surface grinding of materials made from sintered tungsten carbide. The mineral oil-free, transparent solution allows for a long lubricant life and ...

lubricant solid lubricant
lubricant solid lubricant

Operating temperature: 140 °C

Intended for the lubrication of industrial applications operating under very difficult conditions and in particular for high speed applications for which a food grade NLGI 2 grease is recommended.

PTFE solid lubricant
PTFE solid lubricant

... provide the best lubricant solution. The solid lube is inserted into the bearing in an injection molding machine. The compound of polyethylene, synthetic oil (~70%) and additives, provides ...

anti-seize solid lubricant
anti-seize solid lubricant

High-viscosity lubricant promotes free movement in metal-to-metal applications Blend of tiny copper and graphite metal particles in semi-synthetic oil holds up under extreme pressure and temperature ...

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