Temperature I/O cards

4 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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digital I/O card
digital I/O card

The PCI temperature measurement board APCI-3200 has 16/8/4 channels for thermocouples or 8 inputs for resistance temperature detectors (RTD). Each channel can be configured either to thermo­couples, RTD or as an analog voltage input channel. ...

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digital I/O card
digital I/O card

The CompactPCI Serial 32 digital I/O card CPCIs-1532-5V has 16 digital inputs, 12 V, and 16 digital outputs (11 – 36 V). 15 inputs are interruptible. Channel 0 can be used as 16-bit counter input (up to 100 kHz). The card is meant for ...

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analog I/O card
analog I/O card

The mezzanine card M37N is a high-precision M-Module with four analog voltage, or alternatively current output channels for very fast signals. The output voltage range for each channel is -10 to +10 V. The current outputs are separately ...

analog I/O card
analog I/O card

The electronic system “eGalvanica” allows to control, acquire and visualize the principal parameters that distinguishes a galvanic bath. The system is made up with a 7-inch TFT touch-screen display flown by an industrial PC with UI ...

TTL I/O card
TTL I/O card

-PC/104 Plus Watchdog Timer card with software selectable timeout from 4 µsec -Watchdog open collector reset outputs -Temperature sensor with calibration pot -Temperature monitor / alarm -Temperature measurement ...

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